Thursday 8 March 2012

Hello, a bit about me

Hello, this is my first post!!!  Yayyyyy!
I'm Jenny and I live in one of the new 'eco towns'  soon to be ex-army town.  I shall miss the tanks rumbling past my door when the Army go, it's kinda reassuring knowing they are there.
Anyway, I have never done a tutorial, and I haven't been organised enough to make one for my first post so I'll show you some of the things I have created, made, rescued .......or ruined......take yer pick!!!

My latest is this huge bucket/bin, I found it at the tip Household Waste Recycling Centre (phew!)
It was too lovely to leave and after a wash and a few hours in the sun it will be my temporary storage bin for:

Excuse the mess, I've just washed them and they've taken over my kitchen sink!  Didn't realise there were so many, oops!

I love glass and bottles.  The little vases will become the base for my jewellery stands, which I will show you once I get the hang of this blogging thing!  Please be patient with me!

I had to show you this, how cool is that?!  Maybe I can get a word-in at home now (although I'll have to find a good hiding place for it!)  The gavel is sitting on what will be my first tutorial, it's one of a nest of three tables, but more on that later.

Wow, that's my first post!  It's been lovely to meet you, feel free to comment or offer advice.  I'm new to this and need all the help I can get!  Have a lovely day!

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